International Orders
Cleaver-Brooks Genuine Parts is happy to support our customers all over the world through our expansive Global Representative Network.
There are many rules and requirements in place for orders shipping internationally from the United States. For this reason, Cleaver-Brooks has special processes in place to ensure that all parts purchased by our customers outside of the U.S. and Canada are able to be shipped and received without issue.
Some documents needed for international orders are:
Commercial and Proforma Invoices
Bills of Lading
Shipper’s Letter of Instructions (SLI)
Automated Export System (AES) Filing
Certificate of Origin
Orders being shipped around the world can also require special packaging and other adjustments depending on different municipalities and their regulations.
Important Note for International Customers Using International Forwarders: Cleaver-Brooks is unable to guarantee packages being received and re-shipped through international forwarders will have all the necessary components for customs and other regulatory bodies. For this reason, we highly recommend that our customers do not use international forwarders for any parts purchased through this site as we are unable to provide the necessary paperwork to accompany your purchase.
Working with Cleaver-Brooks and our Global Representative Network ensures that you will be able to procure the parts you need with all appropriate documentation and packaging required to get the parts from our warehouse to you, wherever you are.
All international orders must be placed through the CB Local Authorized Representative for the appropriate customer territory. Not sure who your Local Authorized Representative is? Click here!
Can't find your Local Authorized Representative? Contact our Genuine Parts International Sales Manager, Omar Leon Don Juan, at
Thank you for your interest in Cleaver-Brooks Genuine Parts.